The miracle we hope for is always not the miracle we recieve.
Sunday, February 27, 2011 | 0 comments
Heyyyy ppls! :D
Later going my Ahma's hse.
Have nothing to update, heh!
Shall upload some overdue pics.

Happy Birthday Wanleng!
Saturday, February 26, 2011 | 0 comments
Today is my Bro's girlfriend's birthday! :D
I draw a card for her, cos duno what to buy for her uhs.
Imma so sick right now. ):
Watching channel 8 now, super niceee derh!
Watch before liao, its a police show. (:
 HAPPY BIRTHDAY Wanleng Jie Jie! <3

What comes around, goes around.
Friday, February 25, 2011 | 0 comments
Finally, the one week testes is over! (Y)
Hehehehe. I said i wan to upload pics right!
Here it is, (:

Will upload the rest at other posts. <:

Stupid sickness, please get lost.
Thursday, February 24, 2011 | 0 comments
This pic quite funny uhs!

3 words, I AM SICK.
Having running nose.
Nose, can you pls stop running! ):
Took some photos today in sch.
Upload tml, cause now i am really v.sick to do anyt.
Fxck, i am very weak right now....
Physics & chemistry test tml.
I never even revise a single thing!
Very weak to study, preparing to fail. :|

What is gone, will never be back.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011 | 0 comments
Sec3 life sucks, _|_
Today - ss test & math quiz.
Tml - Math TEST.
Thursday, Geo & Physics
Friday - Chemistry
6 testes in one week, super enough? -'-
Ready to fail all. :D

For everything you've missed, you've gained something else.
Monday, February 21, 2011 | 0 comments
Just now damn suey, skirt kena caught by DM again, -.-
WTF! Such a unlucky day, ):
Alrights, shall tell your what happened ytd! <:
Ytd meet Janice at my hse.
She was like, very ke lian.
From her hse walk to my hse.
With heavey bags and stuffs. -_-
But, she still make it hereeeee! :D
After reaching my hse, went to my ahma's hse.
She keep call wrong ppl, very xiasuey urh! -.-
Have fun with her at my ahma's hse. ^^
How i wish she can go there tgt with me every Sun!
We ate biscuits which got ABC & 123 all that derh.
Then, we form our name out..
Hope that Janice can come my hse and stay more ah! <3
Then night we sleep, she put alarms 6am wake up.
I heard the alarms then shake her's leg ask her wake up.
Laughs, then she nvr wake up. ><
So i help her off the alarms. Zzz!
Ask her wake up dun wan wake up worh, -.-
Anyw, i have a memorable day with her ytd! (L)


I know your heart have someone, but who's that someone?
Saturday, February 19, 2011 | 0 comments
Today went to lib studied with Janice, (:
After that, sihui suddenly appeared. -.-
We call her, she nvr ans.
After study, went to have lunch.
Ate at Japanese food court.
Then after eating, went up to study again .__.
Janice coming my hse to stay tml! :D
YEAHHH, can go ahma's hse with me.
Eat breakfast with me & go sch with me lerh! ^^
Alrights, shall end with a photo of me.

Why are you ignoring me? I HATE IT!
Friday, February 18, 2011 | 0 comments
Last month photo. ><"

GOSHHHHHH! Imma so stressed up! ):
Next week, i have ss, geo, math, chem test! ):
Homework, math, geo(super duper difficult, like shit!), chem.
Sighhhh.... ):
Yeahhhhh! Janice coming over to my hse tml.
To put her things at here before she comes on sun to stay overnight at my hse! :D
Hehhehe, tml after she put things at my hse, we go np tgt to study. =P
Hope that i can learn there and not play urh, ^^
Currently, i am doing notes for my F&N.
After doing, shall revise my ss..
Today teacher shown us a video abt starving children in Africa.
They're so poor thing, ):
They're so thin like a skeleton! Seriously! D':
Hope they live well for now and forever. :D
At least they didnt give up.
Now then i realize that, i am so much fortunate than them.
So i have to cherish everything around me, (:


Stressed up like shit, sec3 life sucks!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011 | 0 comments

Imma so stressed up by all the testes!
Haish.. F&N test tml, and i haven even study yet!
2 chapters, which is very long kay. -.-
Social studies & math test next week.. Zzz!
I HAVEN STUDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So far, my math passed!
Hope that it continues, and dun go down. ):
Heeheh, gonna study later.
But, the comp always attracted my attention.
Today, kinda talk to him quite long? (:
Maybe, we shall just be friends.
Normal friends will do! :D
Janice is coming to my hse this Sunday and stay overnight till Monday.
Laughs, i duno can not.
Have to asked my mum, and sis. ><"
My mum comfirm let, sis i dno lerh ah.
Alrights, i shall go now.. ^^

Will you change?
Tuesday, February 15, 2011 | 0 comments
I have nothing to post.
Just end with a photo of me & BD, <3
YEAHHHH, imma taller!(No offence!) Hehee! ^^

There's something that you can't tolerate.
Monday, February 14, 2011 | 0 comments
Today we dun have lit & ss test!
Wtf, make me so chiong.
Chiong till like fxcker. ><||
This thur F&N test ah, haven even study finished. ):

Girl, i've tolerate you since last month?
I hope that you can stop all that?
If i did the same thing to you, will you like it?
I didn't wana say anyt out its becos that you treat me nice?
So yarh, please change?
There're a lot of ppl out there dun really like you.
I beg you, just change.
I don't want to say the name out, if not i offence you siol! .__.

Happy Birthday Daddy!
Sunday, February 13, 2011 | 0 comments

My sis and i bought a parker pen for me Daddy! :D
Pian nian with my parents just now.
I totally forgot about taking angbao from them!
Hahah, Daddy gave $50, Mummy gave $20.
Total, $70! (Y)
I can't finished studying my SS.
Lastly, HAPPY BIRTHDAY Daddy! (L)

There are things that you can't force, but have to wait.
Saturday, February 12, 2011 | 0 comments
Isn't this niceeeeeeeee?
Ingredients : egg yolk, teraki chicken rice sauce, carrot, water & moreeee!
Hhahaha. Janice & Agnes feel so disgusting, Janice dun dare to look at it!
Teresia see until machiam she want to eat, hahaahh! :D

So many tests!
There are so many tests waiting for meeeeeeeeee! ]=
Going to pray my Ahma's mother's anniversary tml.
Then straight go my Ahma's hse.
How i am going to studyyyyyyy?!!!!
So i decided to bring all the books go there study.
Maybe imma crazy, but i have no choice.
Errmmm... Tml is my Dad's bday! ^^
I have no time to do birthday card for him. ):
So maybe i buying present for him..
Doze off when imma using comp just now. -.-
Alrights, shall end with a pic of me & agnes back.
Whose bag is heavier? (:
Look at the shape & you will know.
Hahaha, Agnes want uhs. ^^
Now then i realize that, my skirt is really very short.
No wonder, keep kena caught by DM. xD

Trying to give up, i've enough.

Today went to north point watch Mr & Mrs Incredible.
With Bernice, Sihui, Teresia & Agnes! <3
Quite niceeee & funnyyyy! :D
After watching, we went to find Janice.
Eat dinner together. (:
Guess what? We took half an hour to think what to eat! -_-
We went to quite a lot of stall, but all v.expensive.
Lastly, we went to Wendy's and have dinner.
Hahahah! Not bad, quite nice..
Must watch oh, <:
After eating, went homeeeee.

You just didn't even care to take a glance at me.
Friday, February 11, 2011 | 0 comments
Hihi, such a long time didnt post? <:
Today we've got cross country!
Haha, i didnt even run till. -.-
Walked all the wayyyyyy!
Later gonna meet sisters at np to watch movie! :D
So tired, gonna take a nap later.
F&N and social studies test next week.
Stress, i gonna revise!
Today, i keep trying to find him & look at him!
What happened to me, D':
But, he don't even care to take a glance at me.
I think so, haishhhhh.
Alrights, i have nth to post.
But, i will end with this.

I try to talk to you, but i don't know what to say.
I'm afraid you don't want me to say anything.
So i don't, but inside of me there are words waiting to come out.
And tell you how i feel like, how i miss you.
And how i love you despite my broken heart.
And how i need you in my life.
And especially how much i want you.
But, those words may forever stay in my heart-locked inside.
Sometimes i wonder if there are words locked inside you too.
But i will never know.

Always together.
Tuesday, February 08, 2011 | 0 comments
Morning skirt & fringe kena caught by DM.
I unfold my skirt, she not there.
I never unfold, she's there. -.-
Hand write words also kena caught by teacher.
Today having tution at 8pm-9.30pm.
Haishhh, tired arh..
Gonna go take a nap later on. (:
My stomach is making a lot of sound.
Today during lit sleep in class, sibeh S.O.N.G ah. xP
Ermmm... Math, standard form chapter i dun understand!
And there's a quiz tml for that chapter, ):
Dieeee liao larh, gonna ask my tution teacher maybe later on.
Hope, he start on sec3 alr! Stop going through sec2. D':
Saw that pic above? ^^
Thats my awesome sisters! <3

I wish i knew what he was thinking when he looks at me and smile.

Ahhhhh, imma so tired.
But was attracted by the comp every night.
Hah, its 12.15am now!
Ermm.. Everyt was like finally! :D
Hehe, i hope all this continue.
Will it continue or it only stops for here?
I am very happy for today, ^^
If it continues, i will be happy everyday. <:

North point, Twins's hse, Bernice's hse & movie with Dearest!
Saturday, February 05, 2011 | 0 comments
Three cuteee sisters! <3
Happy family, cuteeeeeeeee! xD

Today i have a great fun with, Teresia, Agnes, Janice, Diana & Bernice! <3
Hahah, went to Twin's hse first.
Then, Bernice's hse.
Went to Brenice's hse to eat steamboat!
Her's dad is a vegetarian! :D
But its still very niceeee! (:
After that we go watch movieeee!
Damn fuxcking nice & funny! <3
Reached home ard 9pm.
This is the movie that we watched, very nice & funny!
Must go watch ohhh. ^^

Second chinese new year.
Friday, February 04, 2011 | 0 comments
Tml go Twins hse! YEAHHHH!
Maybe nt going other place to pai nian lerh. ):
Sad sial, then i only got $200plus. >: Sighhh.
Haha, i have nth to post. ):
Let the pics talk! :D
She's wearing my pri6 shirt. -.-
Dearest and me.
This girl very naughty! She beat me a lot of timeeeee. -.-
I've whacked herrrrrr! =P

I want to be the only hand you ever need to hold.
Yooooo readers, (:
Ytd went to pai nian, i got $217.
Quite less ah, but dun forgot i still got today & tml!
Today go one place only, sibeh sian ah.
This year de new year nt really good.
Nvr gamble until leh! ):
Haish, tml go twins hse pai nian.
Hehe, after that have to chiong go my gugu hse. <:
Alrights, i've nth to post le.
Shall end a photo of me & my cousin.

Dun disturb me anymore, I BEG YOU.
Thursday, February 03, 2011 | 0 comments
Hihihihi, check time : 12.45am.
Just reached home not long from my Ahma's hse. (:
Tml going 4 places! :D
Gonna get damn a lot of hongbao okay!
Heheh. I got $96 today!
A lot right? Hah! :D
Hmmm... I hate it!
Why the person you dun like keep chat with you.
And the person you like, dun even chat with you.

Happy new year eve!
Wednesday, February 02, 2011 | 0 comments
Going out now lerh. ^^
Going out to eat reunion dinner & get hong bao!
Byes readers! <3

I just wish he knew.

Heyyoooo! Just reached home.
After sch went north point and do rings. (:
Finally, its doneeeeee!
Outside, Verene 
Inside, Valerie Steady!
Hahahah! :D
Alrights, i need to go eat le ah.
Mum !@#$%^&*
Going out to eat reunion dinner laterrrrr!
I dun deserve any love from anyone.

There're things that we dun want to happen, but have to accept.
Tuesday, February 01, 2011 | 0 comments
Who loves you Verene? Ans : Nobody. 
I saw everything that is just a lie in front of me.
Actually, there are so many pretty girls ard him.
Why will i think of that way? Haishhh..
Imma so useless uh, feel like crying in class.
But luckily i never.
In tend to hold back? (:
Dun worry, i wun feel that way anymore.
Anyw, my mum bought a shirt.
And the shirt got words on it which is,
Saw the mistake? Laugh die meeee loh. -.-
Today after sch went to sunplaza and bought shoe.
Then, bought a jacket which cost $12, (:
After that quickly head back homeeeee.
Doze off in the bus, damn sleepy urh.
Tml half day of sch!
10.30am can go home le!
But, before that i've to go north point awhile urh. xD
Go with Steady make rings, one for me, and one for her. <3
Then go home prepared, go out eat reunion dinner! :D
Get hong bao tml lehhhh. xD
Hmmmm.. Gonna gamble arh~! ^^
Sleeping during eng lesson, coldddddd.
So cold, they still on air-con in class, fxck.
My hand all nearly, turn frozen loh.

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