If you're a coward, please dun try to be funny. Lame die.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010 | 0 comments
Finally, today the stealer came to sch.
He like nothing happened leh.
LOL, then my fren nt happy with him.
Cause he steal my fren's Itouch.
Then he nvr kena punished or even pay back my fren's money.
Which is $470. -_-
Then she(my fren) damn dulan loh.
Lastly, decided to go to the police station.
After sch go find DM. <:
Hahahas, then me, Teresia and Liying(my fren) sit DM's car go.
Laughs! :D Hahahas.
Reach there 3plus then stay till 5plus.
LOL, v.nice . Got air-con.
Then the police ask us alot of questions niahzxc. XD
Then do alot of stuffs there.
Hope Liying is fine uhs.
Before we went home, we ask wat will happened to the stealer.
They say either give him a warning or send him to boy's home.
Better boy's home uhs!
Ass shit bitch.
After tat went home. (:
Meet Minjing under my block.
She pass me the cartoon tee & something else.
Alrights, thats all, byes.

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