Don't ever go for the things, that is not even worth it~
Friday, March 11, 2011 | 0 comments

Heyyo, (:
Today bball was so slack although coach got come.
HAHAHA, cos he's busy training the sec 1s! :D
We go there is just do our own things, and be extra.
Heh, then when teresia bound the bball on the sch carpark,
the bball roll under the care! -__-
I cant even take out, even though my leg is longggg. :x
Cause the ball stuck there.
Lastly, Janice kick the ball to other side, then coach took it.
Hah! <: Funny urhs.
Today got PTC, my parents didn't attend.
Stupid teacher, say what, need got parents then can get back result slip!
What's that manzxc, sucker!
Think our parents is soooooooo free? -'-
Why are we studying for ,
when we cant even have the right to glance at the result slip & take back? _|_
Holiday lerh! And MYE is around the corner.
I am sooooooo dumb, cause i thought MYE is on March 29.
I chua tio! ><" But, actually is April 29, scaryyyy.
Haishhh, alrights. Shall end here. ^^

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